Avete letto l’avvincente racconto Georgian Dumpling delle nostre volontarie europee e vi è venuta una irrefrenabile voglia di provare la ricetta? Ecco a voi un video esplicativo e la ricetta originale!!

Have you read the compelling Georgian Dumpling story of our European volunteers and have you had an uncontrollable desire to try the recipe? Here is an explanatory video and the original recipe!!

Cookers: Sandra, Nana, Karolina

Director and salt doser: Lina

Taster: Eduardo

Ingredients: 1 kg flour 1 kg potatoes 150 g butter/ or you can use oil Salt Black pepper

Preparation: 1. Stir together flour, salt and 300 ml water in a bowl until dough forms. Meanwhile, boil potatoes with their skin, peel them while they are still hot and smash them together with butter/ oil, salt and pepper.

2. Divide dough into 25-30 equal pieces. Using a rolling pin, roll each ball round. Place 1 tbsp smashed potato in the middle and fold edges of dough over filling.

3. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Put dumplings into the water and boil them until they float and dough is tender, about 8 minutes. Drain, place them onto the large plate, put melted butter/oil on the top and serve hot.