Muovimente – Cooperativa Sociale


My name is Sandra, I am from Poland. Last year after finishing the high school, I decided to spend the next months on an EVS project. After some time of searching, I found an interesting for me project in the Central Italy, where I could work with disadvantaged people and in the same time be close to the nature.

Before I came here, I had some vision of what I want to learn, like a new language or traditions of a different culture. I knew I want to get to know some people or have some time to discover what I want to do in the future. I was also thinking about starting something for what I did not have time during studying, like yoga or travelling around the country. But the truth is that I did not expect how the EVS experience will change me and how many beautiful memories it will bring.

One of the biggest surprises was for me discovering how much I enjoy working in the Farm, especially in the Greenhouse, in Serra. Planting, watering and taking care of seedlings often make me empty of any negative feelings. Working with disabled opened my eyes and my heart, showed me how a diverse group they create.

I travelled to Italy to get to know the culture of that country, but in fact I get to know more than that one. I met people from different nations and each day I learn something new. Not only about traditions or linguistic trivia, but also about fears and dangers, hopes and obstacles. Many stereotypes turned out to be false. Thanks to that, I was able to understand my own culture, notice my own habits and replace them with better ones,.

The project enabled me to find some new passions. Yoga is definitely one of them, as well as cooking or drawing. From not understanding a word in italian, I came to a point, where I truly enjoy building some simple sentences in that language. And I hope I will be better and better, also after coming back home. It made me be more interested in learning new languages in the future

With other volunteers, we created an amazing and caring family. Those are the people with whom I can laugh and cry. They taught me kindness and gave me a lot of love and support, for what I will never be able to thank properly. We are spending together hours, on trips or walks, drinking a vine or a tea.

The most important part of the project is for me a possibility to travel. Italian nature, monuments and delightful cities are for me breathtaking. The feeling of being lost in a new city, creating my own paths and talking with strangers are completely incredible. Not once I was able to see places of which photos I have had in my books for the school. Not once I was just standing without any move, admiring the surrounding. Italy taught me that beautiful places are everywhere, we just need to look for them and sometimes be a little bit more patient.

And yes, for sure I got to know myself more, but the more important part is that I noticed how much I can develop myself. Be better for the world and for myself. I learnt that sometimes we just need some time to sit for a while and think things through. All the answers are hidden in our own hearts.

It is hard to describe in few sentences how exciting, inspiring and refreshing is volunteering abroad. It changed me a lot more than I expected. I dreamt about many things and here I made them real. So I can say for sure, that taking part in the EVS, was truly worth it.


Hello everyone!

I am one of these volunteers which were on EVS (ESC) project in 2019. My story of this project started a bit different then stories of others. Because I came here in January when another volunteer from Ukraine (yes actually I am from Ukraine) left project. I remember my first day in Italy like it was yesterday. I met with my flatmates on 8th of January. I came to kitchen and saw only girls, because only one guy which lived with them ran away from them to gym! Gloria from Germany, Stepanka from Czech Republic, Mariam from Georgia and Emilia from Slovakia.

All of them just rushed on me with stories how it is going here, what is here interesting, some house issues, stories about our neighbor and etc. Stepanka and Gloria offered to me to go with them on the next day to the sea. I was shocked! I do not know any of them and they already after few minutes how I came invited me to the sea! Of course I went with them. In that day I saw many things for the first time, Italian roads, Italian temper in every person, how girl from Czech was talking some bad words, olives and of course Mediterranean sea.

Actually do not even think to try olives from trees, it was my huge mistake. It was the bitterest thing which I have ever tried ! As you can see, from first day I started to have some adventure time here! Can you imagine how the whole year was?! I still cannot understand how I am still alive here… But nothing would not happened with me on this project if I would not have here my crazy flatmates, which creating every day something unbelievable! I`m sorry for the next volunteers, you will not have my flatmates. And you will ask me: “hey guy, what about work and country in general? is it interesting?” I will tell you, YES! But with a lot of BUT! This work will be for you interesting BUT only if you will not expect from it nothing.

This work will be interesting for you BUT you should be ready to do physical work. This country is awesome BUT you should understand very clear that at summer here is very hot! This country has amazing cuisine BUT too much pasta! People in Italy is very nice BUT very emotional! Italy is totally unique country. Before you will start like it you also will have anger, grief, acceptance, and only then love! Important part of this EVS for me was my travelling. In my EVS project I visited Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Malta, France, Vatican city of course and it is not end!

Also there were a lot of trips around Italy. Naples, Rome, Florence, Venice! And even here you will find small BUT. You will travel a lot BUT you will not see any food few months, because you will collect all your money for this! And believe me it’s worth it! Any food will not give you so much positive emotions then travelling! Anyway this project will change all your life. You will have new friends from all over the world! It is perfect time to think what you would like to change in your normal life. What kind of work you would like to have. You will open new world of music which you have never heard before. I wish you try to get this unbelievable experience in your life! FB_IMG_1553979293744 P90307-161430 P90305-120527 FB_IMG_1551268332797 P90223-111949 P90203-115700

Ciao a tutti,

I am Mariam from Georgia, Tbilisi. It’s eleven month I have been living in Italy, in Viterbo, after one month I am going to my country and I want to share my feelings, emotions and my way which I passed during this project. I am very happy to go back to Georgia, to see my family, relatives, friends, but it is not easy to say goodbye to all of the things that I loved in Italy, especially my house and flatmates who are part of my daily life. Let’s define EVS “European Voluntary Service” , but the meaning is more than three words. Why? First step is to get used to live with totally different people from different countries. In my case, we are from six countries: Georgia, Germany, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Palestine. We all have different religions, habits, language ,also we had different lifestyles. The most interesting part was how we were trying to combine everything and started to live like a one family. There was little problems of course, ups and downs but we managed to create one united community.

Second step was for me to realize where I am, why and for what? I sthumbnail_975c734f-cf31-452c-88f9-e0622ffad8b7tarted to work with disabled adults and with children. I discovered a lot of lovely personalities. I am sure that they are the special part of our life, which really needs to take care of, also to gain much love from us as well. I met emigrants, I heard interesting stories from them and I saw their hard life without my “pink glasses”. My third step of EVS is travelling every month, meeting new people, living new environment, enjoying new culture, facing new challenges, for example, travelling alone sometimes , on the other hand with friends and having lot of adventures together. To sum up, I improved my English language skills as well, because it was a big part inside the house and I learned Italian language from my work places and my social life outside, but I want to improve it more and never forget it, but I can remember first two months when I didn’t know anything and I was trying to communicate with Italian people somehow. How was my path during these eleven months? full of emotions, sometimes also with tears because of missing family, full of happy moments and adventurous stories, full of new people and new environment.

What did EVS give me? Friends! Who will be always in my heart, life experience! Which will be useful for a life time, unforgettable memories and strength. Now I am stronger, than before I came in Italy. While I am writing this article in 22.08.2019, exactly after one month I am going to Georgia.

I like to use this word “sand glass” for my situation now, I already turned it down in my imagination, when it will be empty, I am going to leave Italy. I am very happy to go home, to see everyone who I love, who are waiting for me, to use all the skills which I gained through EVS, but I am sad at the same time, because I will miss everything and everyone, but it’s time to go already ,everything has end in our life, nothing is eternal. EVS is the opportunity to see the other world, diverse culture and people from you. In my opinion it is something that everyone should do it at least once in life, everyone should use this opportunity to discover the world; people, places, cultures, and life far away from you. Every person should make little contribution for people, who need lots of love from us.

I love Italy, Italian culture, cities, cuisine and its beauty everywhere; I think I will come back one day to repeat my interesting past… who knows?

69525034_2383987505256991_1560182260802519040_nIn life, there are always two ways, one good and the other is bad, but to be honest, stop reading this if you see life just in two pale colors!!! In my opinion, life has many colors; black, blue, green, and red, also colorful ways!!! EVS is in general, a project to work with people with disabilities and farming stuff, but in my eyes, it was more than this, it was a challenge, a challenge to test myself, my strength and my faith in many things in life! Especially, how to be patient, how to save your soul when you miss, when you want to achieve and you are waiting for the right tik tok of the clock for the right moment to do something. Living EVS is having a normal daily life, but you need to understand that you’re new! New people! Place! Language! House, room, and bed! Everything is new and it is the time to restart knowing everything from the beginning. On the other hand, it is like dreaming and suddenly you wake up to realize where you are! Believe me, it is a strange feeling to live that daily! But to be hone69476095_469950160525057_5844462630198050816_n69733753_2381374318804716_4138842717939564544_nst it was like feeding my soul!











Because I’m always in love with adventures, discovering something hidden, knowing new things to be the first storyteller of it! EVS gave me my best friends; even we started to think if we knew each other before! Or if it is the first time we meet each other, because life is too small! We all connected! Our cultures are connected; I discovered many things in my culture when it comes to food, folklore, significant or phrases! I discovered that this stuff is not only belonging to me, actually many countries are sharing them also but in a different way, with the same beautiful meaning. The only way to challenge yourself and to be stronger than before is to feel it. This project is not only 1 year; it is a life, a whole life with the full meaning of it, to be specific a family but with different names. Just remember, you will never learn unless you’re out of your comfort zone.

Hazim Moawi 69101968_444315992832085_2492716074189979648_n69391399_452844675306925_1021941086731370496_n


1st October 2018-30th September2019 (1)

“(Dis)appearing (dis)abilities with Schuman Volunteers”

Ottobre 2018 – Giugno/Settembre 2019


Volunteering in Poland 2018-2019 (1)

Application Form, Erasmus+ Volunteering in Poland 2018-2019

Cerchiamo un volontario italiano per il progetto SVE “The Next Generation”, da 10 ottobre 2017 a 4 agosto 2018 (10 mesi), a Snagov, Romania.

L’organizzatore del progetto è Geo Club & A4ACTION.

Nel progetto, insomma, parteciperanno 6 volontari di diversi paesi (dell’Italia, della Spagna e della Polonia).

Le attività principale: social media attività, attività educative, attività amministrative (con bambini e giovani in scuole elementare e in liceo; la promozione dei programmi Erasmus+ e dell’educazione non-formale; esplorare e sperimentare con l’uso d’internet e nuova media per massimizzare l’accesso alle informazioni pertinenti etc.)

Per candidarsi, scrivete a: (nostro organizzazione d’invio) e (l’organizzazione di coordinamento) e seguite il link:

Più dettagli nel Infopack:




Raccontare storie intorno al fuoco è una delle nostre attività più antiche. Ci riconosciamo istintivamente in una bella storia, meglio se ben raccontata, perché in fondo tutte le storie umane parlano di noi. La storia di tutte le storie è la nostra stessa storia.

In questo modo, da migliaia di anni, uomini e donne sono cresciuti, hanno fatto comunità, hanno condiviso paure, speranze, sogni e informazioni. In questo modo ci siamo evoluti come specie, abbiamo accumulato esperienza, ancora prima di iniziare a tramandarla in forma scritta. Raccontare storie intorno al fuoco teneva lontana la paura del buio, che era di fuori, al di là della nostra vista, e ci aiutava a superare i nostri limiti, rendendoci più forti, più saggi, più simili alle divinità o agli eroi che proprio in queste storie imparavamo a conoscere.

Ancora oggi, sederci insieme e condividere i nostri racconti, le nostre imprese, ci fa crescere e ci unisce a quell’unico filo conduttore che accomuna tutta la specie umana, in tutte le sue culture e attraverso tutte le epoche. Ci fa sentire vivi. E ci fa accorgere di quanto forse manchi un po’ di magia nelle nostre vite, quel pizzico di mistero, di misticismo che invece, proprio perché più grande di noi, può aiutare a dare un senso a tutto.

La Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente, attiva dal 2007 nell’educazione non formale e in programmi esperienziali per giovani e adulti, presenta la prima edizione del corso” Educazione al cambiamento: Il Viaggio dell’Eroe”, 31 maggio – 2 giugno 2013.

La nostra vita è dominata dal cambiamento. In effetti, è un continuo cambiamento. Siamo convinti che sia possibile influenzarlo o addirittura evitarlo, ma non è sempre così. Forse la cosa migliore da fare non è opporsi, ma seguire la corrente. Affrontare le sfide della vita, invece di opporsi ad esse. Ma possiamo davvero affrontare i cambiamenti che la vita ci pone davanti? Possiamo dominarli, o siamo condannati a farci dominare da essi?

Questo corso residenziale di tre giorni e due notti è una opportunità per affrontare ed esplorare il tema del cambiamento, vivendo forti esperienze in prima persona e avendo la possibilità di condividerle in gruppo – il tutto in un contesto educativo.
Vogliamo fornire ai nostri partecipanti una esperienza olistica, esplorando la dimensione fisica, mentale e spirituale di ciascuno di noi e stimolando riflessione, meraviglia e ispirazione di fronte alla grande sfida che è la vita.

Programma delle attività

Venerdì 31 Maggio entro il tardo pomeriggio (h 18.00): arrivo dei partecipanti
Presentazioni, introduzione al programma, cena insieme, preparazione per il “Viaggio”

Sabato 1 Giugno intera giornata: attività esperienziale sul “Viaggio dell’Eroe”.

Il Viaggio si propone di esplorare tre dimensioni:

  • la dimensione fisica, attraverso una escursione nei dintorni del villaggio di Sermugnano che sarà occasione per attivare riflessioni e ispirazioni legate alla nostra vita quotidiana, ai nostri limiti e alle nostre potenzialità espresse o nascoste, e alle sfide che ci aspettano. Il viaggio non sarà senza imprevisti, ma i viaggiatori
    scopriranno di non essere da soli;
  • la dimensione sociale, cercando di far emergere domande (e non necessariamente le risposte) sulle persone che sono più importanti per noi, sulle comunità di cui ci sentiamo parte, e su quali valori sono i più importanti per noi, per cui crediamo valga la pena di batterci, e di vivere la nostra vita;
  • la dimensione spirituale, esplorando il mondo delle immagini, dei simboli, della magia e di come sia possibile trovare tutto questo anche nel mondo quotidiano. Solo accettando l’ignoto, è possibile affrontarlo. Solo ammettendo l’importanza dei sogni, è possibile realizzarli.

Domenica 2 Giugno

All’alba: Dreamstar Council, richiamo dei sogni avvenuti durante la notte e fusione in racconto collettivo.

Rievocazione delle storie del Viaggio, condivisione dell’esperienza.
Presentazione del modello (“Il Viaggio dell’Eroe dall’alba della storia a Hollywood”), spezzoni di film, domande & risposte. Conclusioni.

Partenze dei partecipanti dopo le ore 18.00.

Il Viaggio

La giornata del “Viaggio” sarà il cuore dell’intera esperienza. Proporremo un’intera giornata libera da influenze esterne, spegnendo i cellulari, senza internet, lontani se possibile da qualsiasi dipendenza o influenza esterna.

Per favorire l’esperienza, sarà raccomandato (non imposto) il digiuno per le 24 ore del viaggio. Acqua o thè saranno disponibili normalmente e in abbondanza.

I facilitatori avranno in ogni caso accesso a telefono e internet e a tutte le precauzioni necessarie a garantire lo svolgimento delle attività in piena sicurezza per tutti.


Per la partecipazione al seminario, 3 giorni e 2 notti, sistemazione, pernottamento e quota di partecipazione, proponiamo una tariffa davvero eccezionale: 3 giorni del vostro stipendio mensile (qualsiasi esso sia).

Sarete voi a decidere. Non vi verrà fatta nessuna domanda.

Se non avete uno stipendio (o se è meglio non affrontare l’argomento), suggeriamo una quota minima di 90 €.

La nostra missione è di rendere i nostri programmi accessibili a un pubblico più ampio possibile, inclusi studenti, giovani, persone in cerca di lavoro. Non vogliamo che la quota di partecipazione sia l’ostacolo principale alla vostra partecipazione al “Viaggio”. Contattateci se avete richieste particolari su questo argomento.

N. B. la quota non include il costo per i pasti in comune (la cena di venerdì, colazione e pranzo per domenica), che saranno organizzati insieme dal gruppo.
Per saperne di più: clicca qui